Funded Peaks welcomes Joshua Dentrinos as shareholder and CEO

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, Funded Peaks shareholders have signed and sealed an investment and management deal with industry veteran Joshua Dentrinos.
Joshua comes with approximately 19 years of financial markets and industry knowledge and will take over the executive management role of the company and immediately start a corporate restructuring and resolution to the company's existing challenges.
As CEO Joshua will focus on the development and oversight of the business, enhancing customer facing elements, branding, legal standing and accounting.Pasquale will take a more focused role on the dealing, trading servers, price feed, and liquidity conditions as well as input on all elements of the business.
All shareholders will be part of a board for important decisions related to the business.
A message from our new Funded Peaks CEO
“I am absolutely delighted to join forces with the team at FundedPeaks. Funded Peaks is a new company who has shown promise in its success but has faced difficulties for a variety of reasons. During the investment process, all elements of the business were shown to me to help me in my decision to come on board.
Some of our traders are clearly disgruntled due to the current challenges that the company is going through and I look to resolve these issues as a priority with the team. We expect that all backlogged payouts will be cleared within the next 30 days without interfering with the company's margin accounts and removing its legs.
The reason why Funded Peaks was an attractive project to get into is the experience of Pasquale and his dealing team. A rare thing to find not only withProp firms but also with brokerage firms.
I paid a lot of attention to this during my due diligence process to make sure it is a successful part of the business. Asa lot of you know my quest for monetization of prop firm data has been a long one and it is very important to me.
Pasquale however, has beaten me to it so I will be able to focus more on the management of the operations and not have to worry about trading, servers, and finding relationships in that space.
In the coming weeks, beyond solving the gap in payouts that everyone is aware of, we plan - together - to address any past misgivings, expressing our future plans, preparing the business for the future and making the entire business more comfortable for everyone.
There will be a lot of changes you will see to things like the website, perhaps some new faces and new policies related to our operations; e.g dispute resolution systems. There will also be disclosures that you may not be used to and might be confusing but more on that after the initial problems are resolved and I will do my best to provide clarity on as much as possible.
With a little patience and a lot of elbow grease, I am confident that every trader's experience with our business will be a positive one and I look forward to joining you all in the discord.
Our company motto from here on will be“just do a good job” and if someone from our team is not meeting your expectations be sure to remind them of it.
See you on the trading floor!”